We recently collected our first Christmas tree load from Scotland which reminded us that, somehow, we’re already approaching some of the coldest and darkest months of the year. Whilst this year has been one of trials and tribulations for everybody, we’re about to head into a pretty dangerous season for drivers.

We wanted to take some time to discuss driving safely in Winter, hopefully helping you to prepare for a season of joy!

HGV Walkaround Checks

We have previously amplified the importance of conducting your HGV walkaround checks, this is evermore prevalent within Winter. When faced with icy roads, snowfall and storms it is incredibly important that you make sure that your vehicle is prepared to take on the road.

This could prevent you from having an accident and from putting other drivers at risk, if you need a bit of a reminder of things to look for we have the perfect article for you!

Winter Survival Kit

In our previous article we highlighted the importance of packing a Winter Survival Kit and preparing yourself for anything! In Winter, conditions can change quickly and unexpectedly so it is incredibly important that you have supplies that can help you get out of a tricky situation!

Your Winter Survival Kit will also hold items that help you to stay comfortable, this should always be a top priority! If you are uncomfortable when driving then you are already distracted. Make sure you check out our Winter Survival Kit suggestions in our article!

Check the Weather Forecast

We know that it may seem obvious but just making sure you know what conditions you need to prepare yourself for could make a massive difference to the journey you decide to take, you may change your route to head in a safer direction or decide to add things to your survival kit for when you face the season!

Make Sure You Drive Safe!

Making sure you are following the rules of the road is always important, now is the time to be extra vigilant. With drastic changes in temperature making the roads icy maintaining safe driving speeds on the road is crucial.

It is also vital to remember that visibility is low in Winter and you will need to utilise your headlights more often than you normally would in clear conditions.

We want to make sure you are safe this Christmas. Remember to check out our blog for more safety advice and industry updates!